One of PrimeThought’s latest software solutions built from years of development is an end-to-end techno-financial modeler which integrates with our spatial intelligence products and offers an Excel Add-in.
QubeXL allows modelling of complex techno-financial systems and processes using a simple hierarchy of data frames.
Instead of a flat collection of worksheets, QubeXL provides a collection of organized data frames with human readable formulae and calculations.
QubeXL simplifies things by having formulae and calculations per column, table and object instead of per cell as in Excel. This allows for simpler and auditable models which are easily verified and extended.
QubeXL uses the most popular scripting language in the world: Javascript for all its scripting and calculations. As you build your model QubeXL generates a diagram showing your model structure. You are also able to trace calculation dependencies easily.
Because QubeXL uses data frames borrowed from data science systems it can handle millions of rows per table and calculate these in times incomparable with traditional Excel models.
Click here to see the Introduction to QubeXL presentation